Let’s Lower that Stress Level!

I don’t know about you but I am incredibly indecisive and one of the most anxiety invoking past-times is choosing an at-home-workout regimen. There’s nothing worse than spending a ton of money on a program that you realize you absolutely hate after the first time you hit play. That is one of the main reasons I wanted to start doing these posts. I wanted to give people some insight into these different workouts offered through Beachbody so you could start to see what may or may not work for you.

This week, however, I want to go into detail about one of the coolest things I think the company has come up with thus far. It’s called Beachbody On Demand and it is a program that allows you to instantly stream several of their at-home-workouts wherever you may be (so long as you have an internet connection and obviously a device to receive said connection and view the workouts on).

Beachbody on Demand

This is such a great idea!! It allows you to try out several different regimens without having to commit entirely (and financially) to that one program – so if it sucks you can move to the next one! The workouts that you start out with range from hardcore intense regimens like Insanity and P90X (1, 2 and 3!) to – what I consider – less intense and more fun focused regimens such as Hip Hop Abs and Tai Cheng.  

I’ve been dying to try out Chalene’s Piyo for weeks now. Unfortunately it wasn’t part of the stream-able workouts (a little disappointing) but they do have this section of sneak peaks and in there they had Piyo Sweat, so I did get to try at least one of the workouts and that was a real eye-opener. Turns out I’m not as much of a Piyo enthusiast as a thought! That experience, however, just added to my enthusiasm for this On Demand option. I would encourage anyone that’s a little unsure of what they might be looking for when it comes to these programs to consider trying this out, even if it’s just for the 30-day free trail period. You can find all the information you might need here http://club.teambeachbody.com/

This week I wanted to go for something a little lighter and more fun, so I’m going to be trying out Sean T’s Hip Hop Abs, who doesn’t love to dance?? Should be a blast, I’ll let you know all about it next week!